Healing Modalities and Experiences
Therapy Session for Parkinson Disease
Mr C Lal came to me to get help with Parkinson disease at the age 64. It took him lot of effort to explain his problem as his speech
was not clear. He drag his legs while walking.
After our first session I could sense there was some underline problem with emotions.
In every therapy session we were working together to heal his past.
We started with the anger issues. As a young man he had very hot temper and he was very strict with his staff for not being disciplined. He himself was very sincere towards his work. We discussed about some memories that he could recall but I could sense it was hard for him to open up in the first session. I chose another method.
In the healing it is not important for me to know the whole story if the patient is not interested. He viewed the problems(anger and hurt) in the form of 15 kg stones in a basket over his head. He removed 40 stones weighing 5 kg in his first session and felt much better.
How we deal with the stones and where we throw them is done as per the convenience of the patient in these therapy sessions. He took a sigh of relief and felt lighter.
I will be writing about the more healing sessions on this case of Parkinson disease and how his life is getting better after each session.
I am blessed and grateful to God for giving me the skill to heal such cases and make their life better.